Week 21

This week was really cool. First of all, we had literacy night. All that day you dressed up like a superhero ,and when it came time for literacy night you could also dress up. I also read to little kids and got a book. To go along with literacy night, the class did a superhero mystery. This was fun!IMG_5546

Week 20

This week was really cool, being the 20th week and all! First, all the movie trailers are finished and I will be posting that soon. Another thing this week, is that we are creating music with the new laptops and speakers! One more of the many things that happened this week is that we have a new thing called snack of the week. It is a healthy snack provided by the PTO every Friday, and we got to make a school wide commercial and I am in. I will post it on my blog soon. This week was a lots of fun.IMG_5289

Week 19

Last week was super fun! First of all it was a four day week because we missed school on Monday as a little more winter break. I was sick for WensdayIMG_5276, Thursday, and Friday but I heard that it was an amazing week. We got new reading buddies, who I am excited to meet. One more thing that that happened this past week is that we got cool Christmas cards from our penpals. It was a cool week.