Informative Essay on Thanksgiving

In the articles,”The Pilgrims” by Leslie May and “Thanksgiving Feast” by Mark Smith, they tell about the hardships of the English Protests, and the great feast that we call Thanksgiving today. This essay will tell you about Thanksgiving but with two ways of describing it. (Different authors.)

In the article “The Pilgrims” by Leslie May, it is about the hardships of the English Protestants, but then they celebrate their harvest with a big feast that we now know as Thanksgiving. In the beginning, these people had a devastating winter when many died. With help of some friendly indians, they had lots of crop to harvest. To celebrate their great success , they had the first Thanksgiving that lasted three days. The English Protestants lived through the hardships, but with the help of the Indians they brought Thanksgiving about.

In the article “Thanksgiving Feast” by Mark Smith, it is about the indians helping the English Protestants survive and in this act of kindness, thanksgiving came about. It all started when a kind indian came to their village to help. After having great success with their crops throughout the winter and summer, the fall came and they had plenty of food plus new friends! According to the text, they had turkey, pumpkin pie, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, and ham.The English Protestants invited the indians to join them as what know now as Thanksgiving. Everyone ate and gave thanks for the great meal. English Protestants and indians made piece and a new holiday. To rap up my essay about Thanksgiving, we will tell more about the text in my next paragraph.

In conclusion, the articles written by Leslie May and Mark Smith talk about how thanksgiving came to be. In “The Pilgrims” it discusses the hardships and a great feast after on the over hand, the article “Thanksgiving Feast” by Mark Smith also talks about those two topics, but discusses the feast a bit more. Now that you have read about Thanksgiving, you might an idea of it came about by using this essay about the articles, “Thanksgiving Feast” by Mark Smith and “The Pilgrims” by Leslie May. In summary, the articles state that the pilgrims went through hardships, but with the help of the indians they got the feast of Thanksgiving.

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